Typical Products - PURA VIDA BAROCCA

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Typical products and Recipes
Ragusan scacce
Ragusan scacce
Ragusan "scacce" are thin sheets of dough, filled with spinach, ricotta, broccoli, potatoes, tomato and onion or aubergines and parsley.

The "impanate" instead are usually made with lamb or goat meat, but some prefer with chicken or turkey and in some cases they also bring potatoes.

The "arancine" then are the specialty present throughout the island, as well as Ragusa, made with rice; the classic type is seasoned with meat sauce and bi ts of minced meat, but there are many variations as seasoning, namely fish, aubergine ricotta, mushrooms, spinach and then there is the sweet type with ricotta or honey.

The "sfoglio" with ricotta and sausage is another typically Ragusan speciality that has a careful and particular process to make the pastry crumbly and crunchy at the same time; a technique handed down from mother to daughter since ancient times.

Caciocavallo and Provola
The "caciocavallo" and the "provola ragusana" are two cheeses characteristic of the Ragusan countryside and are exported all over the world.

Ravioli and Cavati
The "ravioli" and "cavati" are one of the most typical first courses of Ragusa, the ravioli are seasoned with the ricotta produced in the plateau, in some parts of the province (Ragusa and mountain areas) the ricotta is sweetened, in the remaining part (Modica and marine areas) ricotta is left to natural or seasoned with black pepper and marjoram. While the cavati are a type of short pasta made with the same pasta of ravioli.

Melanzana alla parmigiana
The "melenzana alla parmigiana" is fried eggplant and then baked with tornato sauce and parrnesan.

The "trippa" is a fractal used in gastronomy and derived from different parts of the stomach of the bovine and not, as many believe, from the intestine.

Coniglio alla pattuisa
The "coniglio alla pattuisa" is cooked in a pan with garlic, capers, parsley, celery, onion, olives, gherkins. Brown over a low heat adding oil, salt and pepper and then add the sweet sour, that is vinegar and honey (or sugar).

The "maccu" of dried beans is a past of dried beans with the aroma of wild fennel. It was very common in the Ragusan peasant families.

Gallina ripiena
The "gallina o gallo ripieno" is a traditional dish that is used to prepare in Ragusa for the patronal feast. The filling consists of ground meat (also entrails, such as heart or rooster liver) and bread and grated cheese.

The "turciniuna" are a typical ragusano dish, which is prepared during the Easter period. Tradition has it that they have to eat on Holy Saturday for lunch. In ancient times, however, they conspired on Saturday evening, when the bells announced that Lent was over and therefore meat or fat could be eaten. The  main ingredients are lamb entrails (heart, lungs and liver). The preparation of the dish begins on Thursday when the lamb is slaughtered. Then the intestines are cleaned and left to macerate with parsley, salt, onion, pepper and spices. With the entrails, wrapped in the "coratella" (calia) , the rolls are made with the "cacio" (strictly ragusano), which are then baked in the wood fire afterwards on Saturday.

The "causunedda" are a type of homemade fresh pasta that in winter is used to season with pork sauce. In summer, the ideal condiment is based on fresh tomatoes, basil, fried aubergines and ricotta salata.

Carciofi ripieni
The "carciofi ripieni" are made with a filling made of grated bread, grated caciocavallo cheese, black pepper, garlic and parsley, sprinkled with plenty of extra­virgin olive oil from the Ragusa countryside.

The "cannoli" are the most famous sweet of the island and are known all over the world. They are filled with ricotta or chocolate or yellow cream, seasoned with pistachio or candied fruit and icing sugar.

The oven "cassate" is a simple dessert made with ricotta, typical of the Easter period, similar to a small basket of pasta that contains a cream of ricotta sweetened with sugar and flavored with cinnamon and chocolate.
The "nucatoli" are biscuits stuffed with dried fruit (the word "nucatola" comes from the Arabic naqal = dried fruit).

The "granita" is a cold dessert with a spoon, typical of Sicilian cuisine. It is a semi-frozen liquid compound prepared with water, sugar and a fruit juice or other ingredient (in addition to fruit are more common almond, pistachio, coffee or cocoa). It is different from the sorbet for its more granular consistency (hence the name) and creamy at the same time.

The "giuggiulena" is also called cubbaita; it is a nougat that is prepared during the Christmas season; it is made with caramelized sugar with the addition of orange peel and the giuggiulena, or sesame seeds.

Biscotti bolliti
The "biscotti bolliti" (in dialect: viscotta "Scaurati") or "strozza preti" (in dialect: "affuca parrinu"), are a typical Ragusana recipe of the Easter holidays, whose main characteristic is to be boiled first and the day next cooked in the oven.

The "mustata" is a typical Ragusan dessert, which is prepared exclusively during the harvest period. The must is used freshly squeezed and then sweetened with ash from the combustion of olive or carob wood.

Crispelle di San Giuseppe
The "crispelle di San Giuseppe" typical of the feast of San Giuseppe are, in Sicily, the sweet rice crispelle. Tradition has it that these fried desserts made with poor ingredients, based on rice, were generally prepared during the father' s day (March 19).

Marmellata di cotogne
The "marmellata di cotogne". The quince is low in calories and rich in minerals, vitamins and fibers, useful for daily intestinal regularity. From a seemingly insignificant fruit, it produces a jam with a unique and pleasant flavor called cotognata.

The "gelato". The Ragusa ice cream is excellent as in all of Sicily. They are very consumed in the summer and both in Ragusa and in Marina di Ragusa there are excellent ice-cream parlors where you can taste them in an infinity of tastes and flavors.

Pomodori secchi
The "pomodori secchi" are sun-dried tomatoes and are a cornerstone of the Sicilian agro-food tradition: its preparation is a ritual, its rnernory is ancestral, its taste is unique in the world. Especially if it is the ragusano tomato.

Monti iblei extra-virgin olive oil
The "Monti Iblei" extra-virgin olive oil PDO, and in particular that sub­area "Gulfi" which is typical of the Chiararnonte area, in the province of Ragusa, has received the most prestigious national and international awards in recent years. The pedoclirnatic characteristics of the territory characterize the cultivated varieties that the time and the expertise of the man have made so exceptional. Frorn Septernber to January it is still harvesting olives, rnostly by hand, then the passage of the extraction of the oil in the rnills, to arrive, finally, in the tables.

The "carobs". Carob flour, also called San Giovanni bread because, according to legend, the "Battista" fed on this plant when it was in the desert, it is rich in vitarnin E, with irnportant anti-age properties, and is a great way to restore harrnony with your body. And it is Ragusa, one of the first producers in the world.

Dried figs
The "dried figs" are also used to prepare typical biscuits such as the nucatoli and the buccellati and also for the preparation of some sorbets.

Prickly pears
The "prickly pears", in addition to being eaten fresh, can be used for the production of juices, liqueurs, jams, sweeteners and more; the blades, more properly the cladodes, can be eaten fresh, in brine, pickled, candied, in the form of jam. They are also used as fodder. In Sicily it is traditionally produced a syrup, obtained by concentrating the private pulp of the seeds, similar in consistency and taste to the maple syrup, and used in the preparation of rustic desserts. It is also used as an infusion for a digesti ve liqueur.

Cerasuolo of Vittoria
The "Cerasuolo of Vittoria" is a Sicilian DOCG wine that takes its name from the Iberian town of Vittoria, in the province of Ragusa. Sensory characteristics: color from bright cherry red; smell: vinous somewhat alcoholic but fragrant; flavor: dry, full, round, pleasantly fragrant.

Onion of Giarratana
The "onion of Giarratana" is a variety of onion, sweet and of considerable size, with bulbs with a flattened shape and a brownish-white tunic, which is cultivated in the territory of the municipality of Giarratana, in the province of Ragusa. Thanks to its particular sweet and never pungent taste, the onion of Giarratana has been included in the list of traditional Italian agri-food products (P.A.T) of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (Mipaaf).

Chocolate of Modica
The "chocolate of Modica", in the province of Ragusa, is the first in the world to receive the IGP brand. The uniqueness of this chocolate is given by the fact that processing takes place cold, excluding the phase of concaggio (phase in which cocoa butter is added to the liquid chocolate). The cocoa mass is processed together with raw cane sugar, so thanks to this slow and long cold process the sugar crystals remain intact within the mass, giving the final product a unique granular consistency.
PURA VIDA BAROCCA di Distefano Frank
Via Ciullo d'Alcamo n° 56, 97100 Ragusa (Sicilia)
Chiasso La Cetra, n° 6-7,  97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
PURA VIDA BAROCCA di Distefano Frank
Via Ciullo d'Alcamo n° 56, 97100 Ragusa (Sicilia)
Chiasso La Cetra n° 6-7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
PURA VIDA BAROCCA di Distefano Frank
Via Ciullo d'Alcamo n° 56, 97100 Ragusa (Sicilia)
Chiasso La Cetra n° 6-7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
PURA VIDA BAROCCA di Distefano Frank
Via Ciullo d'Alcamo n° 56, 97100 Ragusa (Sicilia)
Chiasso La Cetra n° 6 - 7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883

Chiasso La Cetra n° 6 - 7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
PURA VIDA IBLEA di Distefano Frank
Chiasso La Cetra, n° 6 - 7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
PURA VIDA IBLEA di Distefano Frank
Chiasso La Cetra,  n° 6 - 7, 97100 Ragusa Ibla (Sicilia)
P.I.: IT01779580883
CIR PVB: 19088009B400152
CIR PVI: 19088009B400132
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CIR PVI: 19088009B400132
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